How to Implement a Process Safety Culture Assessment


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How to Implement a Process Safety Culture Assessment

July 12, 2016 | 10:00 - 11:00 am CDT

How to Implement a Process Safety Culture Assessment

Improving process safety culture, and safety in general, requires an understanding of the current organizational culture and recognition that process safety performance improvement is a product of interconnected activities. However, understanding and measuring process safety culture is difficult at best.

We can improve the description of process safety culture by pairing data from diverse sources (e.g. onsite evaluation and lagging indicators) through an approach known as the Safety Culture Improvement Process (SCIP). SCIP has the potential to provide a more accurate, holistic picture of process safety culture using data to determine areas in need of improvement. More accurate data leads to more relevant conclusions and recommendations, which ultimately can yield an improved process safety climate, culture and performance.

This webinar will provide an overview of a proven method for evaluating process safety culture at a facility or multiple facilities and the steps that can be taken following the evaluation to effect meaningful improvement in process safety culture and performance.

In this webinar, participants will learn:

  • How to implement a process safety culture assessment;
  • the importance of process safety culture and working toward improved performance; and
  • combining empirical performance data and climate-related data to improve the understanding and measurement of the process safety culture.


Rick Curtis

Rick Curtis leads the Safety Culture Improvement Process for Сòòò½ÊÓƵ, where he helps companies assess safety culture at domestic and global facilities and implement safety culture improvement strategies. Curtis has been involved exclusively with process safety management (PSM) since 1998, with all aspects of OSHA PSM, USEPA RMP and Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA).

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